
Children do not ‘witness’ domestic abuse, they experience it…

Children do not ‘witness’ domestic abuse, they experience it…

Children do not 'witness' domestic abuse, they experience it… Yet we somehow keep imagining them as being passive in families where this abuse happens. They are not, they are living it. At Oasis, we’re dedicated to supporting children and young people from the ages of 0 through to 25 years and their families to heal, grow and move towards a positive future.

New statistics show scale of abuse against pets in domestic abuse cases in Kent

New statistics show scale of abuse against pets in domestic abuse cases in Kent

We often think that it’s only women and children that can be affected by domestic abuse, but all to often it extends to more than just people. Pets can become a prime means to coerce and control, using the emotional ties the victims feels towards their dog to ensure they don’t leave. New stats released by Oasis and Dogs Trust show the scale of abuse against pets in domestic abuse cases in Kent