Oasis CEO talks to Thanet Fabians

We would like to thank Thanet Fabians for inviting Oasis to join them on their inaugural meeting. It was invigorating to see so many people who care about their communities, social justice and equality come together. 

The meeting, which focused on an analysis of poverty, how it affects our communities and what can be done to tackle it, was poignant and timely. Kerry Keating, CEO and founder of Thanet Families In Need, spoke on how food banks and food poverty have grown exponentially whilst our CEO, Deborah Cartwright, spoke about the impact that poverty has on women escaping domestic abuse and violence.

Making the decision to leave an abusive situation is always an incredibly difficult time for families, who must leave their homes and belongings. However poverty and domestic violence work together to create a double trap, generating additional difficulties for people trying to escape what is already a dangerous situation. 

The pressure of chronic housing poverty, unemployment, low income, fewer community resources and poor education all undermine resilience and can make escaping violence harder. These factors create situations where poor mental health, low self-esteem, apathy, low aspiration, isolation and a sense of helplessness develop.

Our work in the community, promoting the fact that #loveshouldn’thurt, working to prevent violence and abuse in schools, and working with victims to rebuild their lives helps to build community resilience and combat the some of the negative effects of poverty. 

To read more about the meeting - or get in touch with the newly formed Thanet Fabians you can follow this link