We hope you enjoy giving it a go and adding a homemade touch to your Christmas tree this year.
Using the template cut out 2 stockings in felt and a strip for a hanger (a quarter of an inch by four inches).
Before sewing together you can decorate with beads, stitches, ribbon, sequins. Let your creative skills flow.
Fold four-inch strip in half and place between the two halves at an angle, at about half an inch from the top.
Stitch together by hand using a running or blanket stitch or by machine.
Before popping onto your tree you could add a little gift or a couple of chocolate coins.
Thanet Quilters have donated beautifully handmade quilts and Christmas stockings to our residents over the years and we are so glad for their kindness and generosity. If you would like to find out more about them, check out their website https://thanetquilters.weebly.com