
Bin it For Good

The results are in and the anti-litter campaign ‘Bin it for Good’ has raised a tremendous £1,500 during its three months for Thanet charities.

In addition to the money and awareness raised for Pilgrims Hospices, Oasis Domestic Abuse Service and Porchlight, the campaign has reduced the amount of litter dropped on our streets over the three months by an average of 35%. Each charity has achieved the maximum prize pot of £500 each due to these fantastic results.

Launched at the start of September, the three month initiative, which is a partnership between Thanet District Council, The Wrigley Company and Keep Britain Tidy, aimed to change behaviour whilst turning cleaner streets into cash for charities and good causes; and it has worked.

The ‘Bin it for Good’ charity pot logo was proudly displayed on designated public bins around Margate Old Town. The more litter that went into these charity pot bins, instead of on the ground, the more money the featured charity received.

The scheme’s success has pleased all those involved who worked to get it launched.

Cllr. Suzanne Brimm, Cabinet Member for Operational Services, said: “We are so pleased with how the public and local businesses have responded to the scheme and supported it. We have seen a positive change in attitude to dropping litter since the start of the campaign.

“Initiatives such as ‘Bin it for Good’ are a great proactive way to encourage people not to drop their rubbish rather than having to rely on fines. The learning from this project will hopefully inspire some other similar projects in the future around the district.”

Pictured here from left to right the photo includes Rachel van Hoven, Community Fundraising Manager, Porchlight, Loukia Michael Fundraising Manager Oasis Domestic Abuse Service, Jasmin Rose, Environmental Education Officer, Thanet District Council, Darren Scott, Cleansing Operative, Thanet District Council, Steven Hadley, Cleansing Operative, Thanet District Council and Karen Kenward, Community Fundraising Manager, Pilgrims Hospices.

Happy Birthday Frank!

Frank Thorley has celebrated his 80th birthday in style with a party at The Pavilion on the Sands, Broadstairs. Over 300 guests came to wish Frank a happy birthday and enjoyed music by Ben Mills as well as a swing band and DJ.

Frank insisted to his guests that he did not want any presents but that donations to his favourite charities, Oasis Domestic Abuse Service and Pilgrims Hospices would be most welcome. As a result, over £5000 was raised and the money was divided equally between the two charities.

Frank Thorley 80th birthday.jpg

Oasis Fundraising Manager, Loukia Michael, said “We were overwhelmed by the generosity of Frank, who does so much for local good causes, and his guests who were kind enough to donate. This money will make a huge difference to the vulnerable families we support. Oasis and Pilgrims are both local charities doing vital work in the Thanet community”.

The future’s bright, the future’s orange…

Organisations from around East Kent donned their orange clothes on Wednesday 25th November our International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women fundraiser.

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To help raise valuable funds, staff at Avante Care & Support’s head office in Faversham not only dressed in orange but took part in various fundraising activities including ‘guess how many orange balloons fit in a Fiat 500’ and ‘guess the weight of the cake’.

Boys and Maughan go Orange for Oasis

Boys and Maughan go Orange for Oasis

Also participating were regular Oasis supporters, Boys and Maughan Solicitors, whose five offices all supported the cause. Ian Priston said, “Our staff were delighted to join in the fun in aid of a very deserving local cause and, on a serious note, we hope that the money raised helps to offer vulnerable families a brighter future”.

Avante's Orange Raffle in aid of Oasis

Avante's Orange Raffle in aid of Oasis

Oasis supports children and young people both in the refuge and in the wider Kent community and works closely with East Kent College who also took part in the event. Enrichment Officer, Alice Stewart said, “I think Oasis go above and beyond to support our students; making sure that anyone who wants to access their service can do so discreetly and conveniently. It is excellent that we are working with them as together we can provide our students with a safe environment to talk about their lives. “

Oasis Fundraising Manager, Loukia Michael, said “We have followed the lead of the United Nations campaign to Orange the World with this event and would like to thank Boys and Maughan, Avante and East Kent College who together raised £275 and who have also helped us to share our key message that love shouldn’t hurt.