Oasis and Choices Domestic Abuse Services have come together as one organisation, creating an even stronger service across East Kent, Medway and North Kent.
The sister organisations are now one, Oasis, having worked closely together over the last year to strengthen and enhance provision across Dover, Thanet, Medway, Dartford, Gravesham and Maidstone.
By combining expertise, skills, resources and services, our integration means Oasis is able to reach even more adult and child victims of domestic abuse and create a greater positive impact for our communities across Kent and Medway.
At the front and centre of our work is a client-first, recovery-focused approach. We enable positive safe futures, with interventions for every step of the journey from crisis to trauma-recovery and lives lived free from abuse.
In a world where things feel uncertain, the coming together of Choices with Oasis brings stability for a stronger future, and sustainability for our proficient, exemplar services across Kent and Medway. Oasis takes almost 30 years of learning and expertise to develop new and innovative approaches, working closely as an expert partner with second-tier organisations, such as Safe Lives.
Together, we are committed to our joint mission - to create a world free from abusive relationships. We do this through compassion, collaboration, commitment and connection. Join us on our journey - help share our safety information, consider supporting our work, become a volunteer of Oasis.
If you have any questions, please contact us at info@oasisdaservice.org.
Get Help Now
If you or someone you know is experiencing Domestic Abuse, you can get help fast:
In an emergency always call 999 (if you can’t speak, cough or tap the handset then press 55 on your phone - the police will know it’s an emergency) or 101 for non-emergencies
For non-emergency support and safety planning, if it’s safe to do so:
In Kent: Call Victim Support on 0808 16 89 111 email kent.vart@victimsupport.org.uk or use live chat bit.ly/VS-livechat
In Medway: Call our helpline 0800 917 9948 or email RAISEreferrals@oasisdaservice.org
Domestic Abuse is everybody’s business
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