Working Together, Raising Awareness
The statistics around domestic abuse are hard to comprehend – 1 in 4 women experience abuse in their lifetimes but, for women with a disability, this figure doubles. This means that half of all women with a disability experience abuse.
A first look - celebrating the leaflet launch
We have been working with East Kent Mencap’s women’s group to make sure that we are making our services accessible. I met with the group last year to talk about healthy and unhealthy relationships and to think together about what we needed to do to make sure people felt like they could talk to Oasis.
The idea of an easy read leaflet was born, and the women’s group have worked really hard to write and design the leaflet, making sure it answers the right questions and is easy to understand.
We launched the leaflet in September, with a cream tea and speeches. We hope it will be a resource that will make it easier for people to get help when they need it. A big thank you to Karen Constantine, County Councillor for Ramsgate, whose funding has enabled us to print the leaflet.