This week our support group held a very small Eid celebration as 2 members of the support group will be celebrating Eid as Ramadan ended at sunset the night before.
One member of the group spoke about what the Eid celebration means to Muslims to the rest of the group.
She told us that they had celebrated the new moon although it was very small last night.
Eid is public holiday in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and that the celebrations last for 3 to 4 days. All children in the family are given new money and however small the money amount it must be new bank notes or new coins.
Women & children all have new clothes; most women and girls have their hands decorated with Henna ready for the Eid celebrations and men have new white robes to wear for the Eid celebrations.
Women do not attend the Mosque as they are at home preparing food for the celebrations. Families visit other members of their family & friends as everyone eat together as it is a festival of food.
Often children of school age in England are allowed special leave from school & children in Pakistan are on holiday from school as it is celebrated like we celebrate Christmas.
There will be a full day of celebration at the Mosque here in Thanet.
One member of the support & her daughter’s hands.
Celebrating Eid was a really good experience for people in the support group and residents at our refuge. To hear about what the celebrations meant and to have a chance to celebrate together, share stories and food really affirmed how valuable diversity is.