Friends of Oasis present a cheque to Oasis
A newly-formed fundraising committee has celebrated the success of its first year by presenting local charity Oasis Domestic Abuse Service with a cheque for £3,831.
The Friends of Oasis is a committee of local volunteers, formed in 2015 with the objective of hosting special events to raise funds so that the charity can offer a range of services to the families it supports.
The Friends’ most recent event was a lunch at the new Yarrow Hotel at which 120 people enjoyed a meal prepared by students at the award-winning East Kent College and which raised £1,250 for the charity.
Committee chair Maggie Elliott, also a trustee of the charity, said, 'we would like to thank the Yarrow for all the help and support organising this event and also for their generous raffle prize'
Loukia Michael, Fundraising Manager for Oasis said, ‘The Friends of Oasis are a fantastic group of women who have worked so hard this year with incredible results. We work with so many traumatised children at Oasis for whom we receive no government funding. It is thanks to the Friends that we are able to offer them the support that they need at such a vulnerable time in their lives’.
The group are currently planning for the year ahead and have already re-booked The Yarrow for a repeat event on Tuesday 10th October 2017
The Committee's next fundraising activity will be a stall for Oasis on Saturday 3rd December at St Andrew’s Church Fete in Reading Street selling ‘all things sparkly’.