Take the plunge to support Oasis!
Adrenaline seekers are invited to take part in a thrilling abseil challenge in Kent being staged to support Oasis. This will be the only multi-charity abseil in Kent this year so do not miss out!
The abseil is being organised by the KM Charity Team and will be held on Saturday 21st March, 2020, at Thomas Place in Maidstone. Specialists will erect two abseil ropes from the roof of the building to the ground, enabling brave participants to abseil down under the watchful instruction of the professionals whilst being cheered on by well-wishers and friends.
Participants should aim to raise a minimum of £75 in sponsorship. Seventy per cent of sponsorship raised goes to Oasis and 30 per cent will go to the children’s road safety department at the KM Charity Team.
To book your place, visit the website www.kmcharitychallenge.co.uk
You can also email us at fundraise@oasisdaservice.org to find out more